Global March

Time and again our members ask us on how to fundraise effectively. Here you will find some tips to strengthen your fundraising.

Be Active in Donor Search and Outreach

Keep a look out for the donors listed on our website and other donors and when their grant schemes open. Visit their websites, sign up to their newsletters and connect with them on social media. This way you can learn about their latest grants, opportunities and calls for proposals.

Match your interests with your donors

Make sure that you and your potential donors match. Do not try to fit into their interests if you cannot. Research on their list of focus areas, and which other organisations have been funded by them. This way you can learn about the organisations and projects they sponsor and how to pitch to them.

Review the Guidelines in Detail

Before filling out the application form, carefully review the eligibility criteria and see if you are suitable for the funding round. If you are, explain why your organisation is a good fit. Trust your local knowledge and expertise and talk about it in your application.

Define the changes you want to see and how your project will help achieve them

After defining the problem and the need to eliminate the problem, explain how you will bring about the change by elaborating on the steps you will take, the approach you have chosen and include some past successful examples. Be realistic about what your project can achieve and by when, taking in consideration your and your collaborators’ capacity.

Dedicate Enough Resources and Time

In the proposal, include a budget line for your fundraising activities and the resources it will require. Most donors want to dedicate only 20-30% costs to administrative and salary heads.

Mention the partners, networks or coalitions you are part of

Say that you are a member of Global March Against Child Labour! Many donors want to see that you are working in partnership to achieve your goals.

Other Resources

5 Steps to Successful Fundraising

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