Global March

Alliance 8.7

With 152 million child labourers and 40 million people in modern slavery, it has become imperative that the efforts are accelerated to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal Target 8.7. Alliance 8.7 is a global partnership for eradicating forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour around the world. The International Labour Organisation (ILO) serves as the Secretariat of Alliance 8.7.

Global March Against Child Labour is a part of the Global Coordinating Group (GCG), a group of active Alliance 8.7 partners across sectors that meet regularly to set goals and assess progress. Global March holds the civil society seat in the group focussed on the issue of eradicating all forms of child labour by 2025.


After numerous consultations, Alliance 8.7 was launched in 2016 in an effort to bring all the stakeholders together to work around common goals that would accelerate action on SDG 8.7. The Alliance works on the following 4 pillars:

  • Accelerating action: through high-level advocacy and supporting actors such as CSOs to advocate for stronger national policies.
  • Conducting research and sharing knowledge: this includes the Global Estimates but also research on the economics of child labour and forced labour. The goal is to share all relevant research from the ground such as lessons learned, successful interventions, evaluation reports and estimates. The Knowledge Platform being run by UNU will bring together key data holders, including business, trade unions and NGOs. The platform will be a central data directory and publishing platform accessible to a wide audience and will help spreading knowledge about what works, raise awareness, provide guidance and interpretation on recent data and research and contribute to evidence based political decision making on the prevention and elimination of forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour.
  • Driving innovation which begins with knowledge. In this respect, the Knowledge Platform could spark innovation, but also bring more diverse players together. Technology is certainly important, but not pivotal either. Innovation also refers to new ways of collaboration, project implementation, monitoring, evaluation and building partnerships.
  • Increasing and leveraging resources: Resources are required that are commensurate with the scale of the problem. In other words, with present budgets it will be impossible to achieve target 8.7
  • Apart from being part of the Global Coordinating Group, which meets regularly to discuss global efforts against child labour, forced labour, human trafficking and modern slavery, Global March is also part of the 2 key Action Groups formed under the Alliance, i.e Action Group on Supply Chains and the Action Group on Migration. Action Groups reflect the thematic priorities of Alliance 8.7 and bring together organizations and initiatives working on these areas to maximize impact. Via Action Groups, partners coordinate research and advocacy and drive implementation efforts on these urgent issues. Action Group on Supply Chains has been established as a central hub for governments, businesses, civil societies, trade unions and others to come together in support of plans and initiatives that have global and systemic dimensions on the area of supply chains. Action Group on Migration focuses on the varying dynamics of migration within or across borders, and the increased vulnerability to abuse and exploitation that migrants may face whether they are moving irregularly or through regularized channels. Within the context of migration, the focus on vulnerabilities to exploitation can extend to host and transit communities, as well as populations remaining in the point of origin such as children left behind by migrant parents.
  • Global March regularly contributes to the Knowledge Platform of the Alliance 8.7 that has been designed to give access to stats and data that can be used by stakeholders. The Knowledge Platform brings together the most useful data, evidence, research and news, analyses cutting-edge data, and helps people understand that data so it can be translated it into effective policy.
  • With many countries demonstrating political commitment to combat child labour, forced labour, human trafficking and modern slavery through their achievements and initiatives, Alliance 8.7 has identified certain countries to become ‘Pathfinder Countries’ that can lead the world in eradicating these issues.  Global March is therefore playing a pivotal role in supporting some of these ‘Pathfinder Countries’ in Asia, Africa and Latin America to accelerate their efforts to achieve zero child labour by 2025. 
  • Global March is currently working towards supporting the following Pathfinder Countries: Uganda, Peru, Nepal and Sri Lanka.


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