Global March

From Farms and Fields to Classrooms

Sí, se puede “Yes We Can” July 30, 2012, Washington DC; In response to Kailash Satyarthi, Chairperson of Global March Against Child Labour’s closing question on, “Can we have child labour free agricultural products and commodities?” the 159 participants from 39 countries at the International Conference on Child Labour in […]

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Guy Ryder elected as ILO Director General

It is indeed a moment of unprecedented joy for Global March Against Child Labour, as its long standing friend Guy Ryder has been elected as the Tenth Director- General of International Labour Organization (ILO). Congratulating the new Director General, the Chairperson of Global March, Mr. Kailash Satyarthi recalled “Guy has […]

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Children forced into beggary and coerced to produce earnings

9 April 2012: Beggars are now part of urban streets in many countries in Europe, Africa, India, Bangladesh, and others. The passer-by is mistaken that they are willingly begging due the difficult financial conditions at their home, so giving them loose change would help provide for basic necessities at their […]

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Renewal of international cocoa agreement

European members of Parliaments show a ray of hope for eliminating child labour in cocoa farming 16 March 2012: In a major breakthrough, the Members of European Parliament on Wednesday March 14, 2012, gave consent by way of passing a resolution to renew the International Cocoa Agreement on production and […]

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Stop the execution of Professor Abdolreza Ghanbari

Core Labour Standards & Human Rights under attack in Iran 14 March 2012: The Global March Against Child Labour with Education International (EI) and International Trade Union Congress (ITUC) at the cornerstone of its existence earnestly appeals all its members, partners and supporters to request the authorities of the Islamic […]

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Social Protection Floor – Post-2015 discussions gain momentum

13 March 2012, New Delhi: The “Social Protection Floor” (SPF) is a basic set of social rights, services and facilities that every person should enjoy. The United Nations suggests that a social protection floor could possibly consist of two main elements that help to realize human rights: a) Services: Geographical […]

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USDOL’s ‘parental exemption’ for child labour in agriculture

12 March 2012, New Delhi: The U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL)’s Wage and Hour Division owing to pressure from farm groups has recently decided to re-propose ‘parental exemption’ for child labour engaged in agriculture in the U.S. The parental exemption allows children of any age who are employed by their […]

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