Global March

Decent work for cocoa farmers

The incidence of child labour is inextricably linked to the denial of decent working conditions for adults. A parent enjoying decent working conditions, including a living wage, is less likely to send children to work to contribute to family income than a worker whose fundamental rights are violated. “Decent working […]

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International Literacy Day: 8th September 2011

New Delhi, 8 September 2011: This year, International Literacy Day, celebrated worldwide on 8 September, is focusing on the link between literacy and peace. Children are not responsible for war, yet it robs them of their childhood. Wars and conflicts leave a trail of destruction behind them, especially for innocent children […]

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International Literacy Day: 8th September 2011

New Delhi, 8 September 2011: This year, International Literacy Day, celebrated worldwide on 8 September, is focusing on the link between literacy and peace. Children are not responsible for war, yet it robs them of their childhood. Wars and conflicts leave a trail of destruction behind them, especially for innocent children […]

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Disney, Mattel and Wal-mart toy-maker accused of child labour

Delhi, September 2011: A number of articles in the international media over recent days have referenced an investigative report by Hong Kong based non-profit organisation Students and Scholars against Corporate Misbehaviour (SACOM) after a toy-manufacturing supplier “Sturdy Products” was found to be using employees in sweatshop conditions, including child labour, to make toy […]

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Disney, Mattel and Wal-mart toy-maker accused of child labour

Delhi, September 2011: A number of articles in the international media over recent days have referenced an investigative report by Hong Kong based non-profit organisation Students and Scholars against Corporate Misbehaviour (SACOM) after a toy-manufacturing supplier “Sturdy Products” was found to be using employees in sweatshop conditions, including child labour, to make toy […]

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Death of Two 14-Year-Old Girls in an Illinois Field Underscores the Need for an Overhaul of U.S. Child Labor Laws – Groups Condemn New Laws that Weaken Protections for Young Workers in States

A Joint Press Release of the Child Labor Coalition and the Global March Against Child Labor For release: August 1, 2011 Contacts: Reid Maki, Coordinator, Child Labor Coalition (202) 207-2820, &  Nick Grisewood, Executive Director, Global March +353 61921685, Washington, DC – The tragic death of two 14-year-old girls while detasseling corn in […]

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Global Trade Union Alliance to Combat Forced Labour and Trafficking

Global March is pleased to inform members and partners of the online newsletter “Emancipate” published by its Governing Board member, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). “Emancipate” is a regular newsflash from the Global Trade Union Alliance to Combat Forced Labour and Trafficking. The regular e-newsletter includes a broad range […]

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Global Trade Union Alliance to Combat Forced Labour and Trafficking

Global March is pleased to inform members and partners of the online newsletter “Emancipate” published by its Governing Board member, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). “Emancipate” is a regular newsflash from the Global Trade Union Alliance to Combat Forced Labour and Trafficking. The regular e-newsletter includes a broad range […]

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Civil Society Education Fund launches e-bulletin

In 2009, the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) launched the Civil Society Education Fund (CSEF), a global initiative to support civil society organisations in fulfilling the roles defined within the Dakar Framework for Action on Education For All. The fund also links into country-level processes of the Fast-Track Initiative (FTI) […]

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Civil Society Education Fund launches e-bulletin

In 2009, the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) launched the Civil Society Education Fund (CSEF), a global initiative to support civil society organisations in fulfilling the roles defined within the Dakar Framework for Action on Education For All. The fund also links into country-level processes of the Fast-Track Initiative (FTI) […]

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