Global March

New positions available in Global Campaign for Education

The Global Campaign for Education (GCE) is looking for two new staff members to be located in its secretariat in Johannesburg, South Africa: Head of Policy which is an open-ended contract and the application deadline is 5 September 2011. Click here for the detailed job advert and click here for job profile. Accountant for the […]

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LO Norway in mourning for lost labour youth

On 22 July 2011, Norway was devastated by a terrible attack on government buildings in Oslo and a massacre of young people taking part in a youth summer camp for the labour movement on the island of Utøya. As was the case with the entire international community, Global March was […]

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LO Norway in mourning for lost labour youth

On 22 July 2011, Norway was devastated by a terrible attack on government buildings in Oslo and a massacre of young people taking part in a youth summer camp for the labour movement on the island of Utøya. As was the case with the entire international community, Global March was […]

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Death of Two 14-Year-Old Girls in an Illinois Field Underscores the Need for an Overhaul of U.S. Child Labor Laws – Groups Condemn New Laws that Weaken Protections for Young Workers in States

For release: August 1, 2011 Contacts: Reid Maki, Coordinator, Child Labor Coalition (202) 207-2820, &  Nick Grisewood, Executive Director, Global March +353 61921685, Washington, DC – The tragic death of two 14-year-old girls while detasseling corn in Tampico, Illinois last week stands as a painful reminder that U.S. child labor laws are inadequate […]

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New Complaints Mechanism for Children’s Rights Violations

On 17 June 2011, the United Nations Human Rights Council adopted the final draft optional protocol on a communications procedure for children’s rights violations crafted by an intergovernmental working group over ten days in December 2010 and February 2011. The new protocol will enable the Committee on the Rights of […]

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New Complaints Mechanism for Children’s Rights Violations

On 17 June 2011, the United Nations Human Rights Council adopted the final draft optional protocol on a communications procedure for children’s rights violations crafted by an intergovernmental working group over ten days in December 2010 and February 2011. The new protocol will enable the Committee on the Rights of […]

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United Nations Anti-Trafficking Unit delving deeper into this issue

Vienna, Austria – Human trafficking for forced labor might be a greater problem than the more widely known problem of trafficking for sexual exploitation, says Kristiina Kangaspunta, the chief of the Anti-Human Trafficking Unit for the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) “We don’t know that much about forced […]

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Vulnerable groups and pesticides exposure

Geneva, 22 June 2011: The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will highlight the impact of pesticides exposure on child labourers in agriculture during an international conference to be held in Geneva, Switzerland, on 22 June 2011. The panel on “Vulnerable groups and pesticides exposure: […]

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Vulnerable groups and pesticides exposure

Geneva, 22 June 2011 The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will highlight the impact of pesticides exposure on child labourers in agriculture during an international conference to be held in Geneva, Switzerland, on 22 June 2011. The panel on “Vulnerable groups and pesticides […]

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International Day of the African Child: 16 June 2011

The International Day of the African Child is celebrated all over the world on 16 June. On this day in 1976, thousands of schoolchildren took to the streets of Soweto, South Africa. In a march more than half a mile long, they protested the inferior quality of their education and […]

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