Outcome document of the inaugural ABA LAB (Area-based Approach) session on Building a Community Driven Approach for a Sustainable Child Labour Monitoring and Remediation System. The report encapsulates thematic discussions, key recommendations and break-out room highlights.
Outcome document ABA Lab session 1 (2)
West Africa Regional Symposium Call To Action
The delegates present at the West Africa Regional Symposium on promoting Area Based Approach (ABA) for the Prevention and Eradication of Child Labour, commit towards: “Prioritising Area Based Approach in Planning, Policies and Action to Eliminate Child Labour.” With the increasing number of African countries becoming PFCs, it is crucial
The South Asia and Southeast Asia Regional Symposium on Promoting Area-Based Approach to eliminate child labour
Child labour remains a pressing issue in South Asian and Southeast Asian countries. According to
the ILO’s report of 2020, out of the 160 million of children (5–17-year-old) engaged in child labour
worldwide, 24.3 million (6.2%) are in Eastern and South-Eastern Asia, while 26.3 million (5.5%) are
in Central
Alliance 8.7 Informational Webinar for Survivor Networks and Civil Society Organizations
Alliance 8.7 Informational Webinar for Survivor Networks and Civil Society Organizations
29 APR 2024 – ZOOM
Monday, 29 April 2024 / Online Zoom Webinars
Option 1: 8.00 – 9.30 (CET), 12.30 – 14.00 (IST), 14.00 – 15.30 (ICT), 19.00 – 20.30
Roadmap for child-friendly coffee plantations in Mt. Elgon, uganda
Coffee in uganda has been listed as a product made by child labour in the USDOL’s list of goods made by child labour and forced labour (2021). Especially in the harvest season, it is very common for children to skip school as they pick coffee beans to be sold in