For education for children in child labour.
From Bangladesh and Uganda.
In one of the hardest years in history.
This September, we’re coming together to show vulnerable children in Bangladesh, Uganda that nothing can stand in the way of their education. And you can help in achieving this for them.
For children in Bangladesh and Uganda, the first step out of poverty begins with access to quality education
Since 2016 we have been working in Bangladesh and Uganda to ensure children have access to education, communities are empowered, laws of the country prohibit child labour and are implemented to protect children from child labour.
With COVID-19 crisis, the already poor children are further likely to drop out of school and never go back. This September, help us build sustainable and child friendly communities where children can be supported to go back to schools and not enter workforce.

Bangladesh Map- x million of child labour, x million out of school, x million children in poverty, x million affected by floods, x million children are in hunger.

Uganda Map- x million of child labour, x million out of school, x million children in poverty, x million affected by HIV, x million children are in hunger.
Education sparks a chain reaction that improves every part of children’s lives and helps in achieving:
No child labour
Education can pull children out of child labour and into schools.
No hazardous work
Education brings awareness on hazardous work and prohibits children from engaging in it and gives opportunities for decent youth work.
End Poverty
With education, children can break cyclical poverty and create a future above poverty for themselves and their families.
End hunger
When children go to schools, they have access to school-feeding programmes and can have nutritious meal that can keep them away from hunger and malnourishment
With your kind donations, we can ensure children from vulnerable backgrounds can continue learning and be free from child labour. Your contribution can make this happen today.