Global March

Despite a series of revelations for the Observer about the brutal conditions in garment factories, companies, western consumers and India are still complicit in turning a blind eye

Admit it. You love cheap clothes. And you don’t care about child slave labour Despite a series of revelations for the Observer about the brutal conditions in garment factories, companies, western consumers and India are still complicit in turning a blind eye Gethin Chamberlain The Observer, Sunday 28 July 2013 Young […]

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Skipping the First Step to End Child Labor?

Laws are not enough to end child labor — we see that every time a new factory is found filled with children who should be in school. But making progress against child labor must begin with banning it. Laws set standards and norms, and affect what people see as acceptable. […]

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Post-2015 forward looking, yet not urgent and ambitious

Global March Against Child Labour is the largest worldwide coalition of civil society, teachers and trade union organisations united in their determination to protect and promote the rights of all children, in particular the right to receive a free, meaning and good quality education and to be free from economic […]

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Tobacco farmers exploiting child labor

The International Labor Organization, Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance and local NGOs want the government and industry to put a stop to child labor. “It is important that child laborers receive attention because they are often neglected and susceptible to violence from the industries in which they work,” the National […]

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The Day of the African Child

Eliminating Harmful Social and Cultural Practices Affecting Children: Our Collective Responsibility The Day of the African Child is observed every year on 16 June by Member States of the African Union (AU), and its partners to commemorate the 1976 uprisings in Soweto, South Africa. The 1976 protest by black school […]

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Child Domestic Labour- A Modern Form of Feudalism

11 June 2013, Global – The world is on track towards missing most of the deadlines for international commitment of Millennium Development Goals and national commitments for a better future for children. The adults, the world leaders, the governments and the larger society is failing in it commitments made to […]

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