Global March
Watch Video: 20 Years of Global March

Watch Video: 20 Years of Global March

In 1998, Global March Against Child Labour traversed through 80000 km. across 103 countries in 5 continents, demanding for ILO Convention 182 on Ending Worst Forms of Child Labour. Since then Global March has continued fighting against child labour and has contributed to reducing number of child labourers to

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Join us for ILO-Global March Joint Event in Geneva, 4 June 2018

Join us for ILO-Global March Joint Event in Geneva, 4 June 2018

To mark this year’s World Day Against Child Labour as well as the 20th Anniversary of the Global March Against Child Labour (Global March), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and Global March and will organize a joint event on 4 June 2018 during the International Labour Conference (ILC) at the

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Sign the Petition to End Child Labour

Sign the Petition to End Child Labour

152 million children are denied their right to education and forced to toil in child labour where they are mentally, physically and sexually abused. Situation is worse for girls. Addressing child labour is essential if we need to attain social justice and solve other socio-economic issues of society. We are

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Virtual walk against child labor

Médias sociaux
Marche virtuelle contre le travail des enfant en vue de la manifestation conjointe OIT-Marche mondiale, prévue le 4 juin 2018 à Genève, dans le cadre de la Conférence internationale du Travail
Pour marquer la Journée mondiale contre le travail des enfants de 2018, en même temps

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Marcha virtual Contra el Trabajo Infantil

Paquete de Comunicaciones para Redes Sociales Marcha virtual Contra el Trabajo Infantil hacia evento en conjunto OIT-Marcha Global durante la Conferencia Internacional del Trabajo
4 de junio de 2018, Ginebra

Para conmemorar el Día Mundial Contra el Trabajo Infantil del presente año y el vigésimo aniversario de la Marcha Global Contra

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What We Would All Be Missing

What We Would All Be Missing

*This article has been written by Chairperson of Global March Against Child Labour, Timothy Ryan and was published in Thomson Reuters Foundation News.

In February, 40 organizations convened a brainstorming workshop at a conference center south of London focused on a new development goal adopted by the United Nations:

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Virtual March Against Child Labour

Spanish | French
To mark this year’s World Day Against Child Labour as well as the 20th Anniversary of the Global March Against Child Labour (Global March), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and Global March and will organize a joint event on 4 June 2018 during the International

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Here are all the details you need to make a transfer to our bank account. It can be an online transfer or by visiting a branch close to you.
Thank you in advance for your generous donation.


Account Number
NL 97

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Education in the Time of War: Harnessing the Potential of SDG 4

Education in the Time of War: Harnessing the Potential of SDG 4

Education is not just a fundamental human right, but also an enabling right – essential for the exercise of individuals and communities at different levels. It plays a significant role in supporting survival, growth, development and well-being of nations and its children. Enhanced investment in education also contributes to higher

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