Global March
Global March organises a Side Event at World Humanitarian Summit in Turkey

Global March organises a Side Event at World Humanitarian Summit in Turkey

On 23-24 May 2016, United Nations organised the first World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul, Turkey where world leaders and the international community came together to address today’s humanitarian crises that are the causes of conflicts and disaster. These crises have displaced more than 60 million people where children have suffered […]

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Hidden Slavery – Child Domestic Workers

Hidden Slavery – Child Domestic Workers

The incidence of Child Domestic Labour is quite significant in Bangladesh as in many other developing countries. Historically more girls are employed in domestic service. Because of its nature and circumstances, CDL is susceptible to becoming a worst form of child labour. Many children in domestic labour are very young, […]

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2015 At a Glance on Twitter

2015 At a Glance on Twitter 2015 was a marvellous year! As the year comes to an end we would like to share with you our most fond activities on the social media. With a pro active twitter handle, we aimed to inform and engage as many people as possible […]

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Everything You Buy is Not Worth It!

Dear Supporters, We have finally entered the much anticipated post 2015-era, where leaders across the world have showed their commitment to the 17 goals especially the ones aimed at children and improving their rights. This commitment is further strengthened through the promotion of the principles of United Nations Convention on […]

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Dear Supporter, 2 December is marked as the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery. On this day, Global March Against Child Labour with its partners, is commencing its week-long campaign “End Child Slavery Week” to bring awareness on the issue of child slavery and help eradicate it from the […]

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Sustainable Development Goals: Agenda 2030

On 25th September 2015, the world leaders from 193 Member countries finally adopted the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development at the United Nations General Assembly. Secretary – General of UN, Ban Ki-moon has hailed them as universal, integrated and transformative vision for a better world. These Global Goals also called as Sustainable Development […]

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Celebrating International Literacy Day

For more than 15 years Global March Against Child Labour has been celebrating International Literacy Day, on 8th September, and reminding the international community that literacy is a human right and the key to solving major issues of the world. United Nations and the world community have again emphasised, that literacy […]

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Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

While the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that the world adopted in the year 2000 provided a focal point for governments to develop their policies and provided a rallying point for NGOs to hold them accountable, the MDGs have nevertheless been criticised for being too narrow. The eight MDGs that were adopted […]

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