Far too many children, adolescents and youth (264.3 million) are currently out of school due to a number of factors relating to their living conditions, financial constraints and social adversities. Education is a key to end this roadblock, escape poverty, end child labour and lead a life of dignity. However,
Everywhere But Invisible: Girl Child Labourers in Agriculture
“She is barefoot, covered in dirt and sweat. She can be seen pulling weeds from rows of sugarcane; a work reserved for adults, not children. She can only wear a cap to protect her from the scorching sunlight, rain or storm and goes back home after a working day of
Children of the Fields: Child Labour in Agriculture
Child labour has been a prolonged issue for the better part of this century, especially in the field of agriculture, where unlike the service industry there is a lack of effective rules and regulations to guard against children being employed in farms and fields. While the number of child labourers
Trafficking and Forced Labour in Global Supply Chains – The Gender Lens
In recent years, those concerned with the issues of trafficking, forced labour and slavery have begun to focus on supply chains as a new arena of action with a focus on girls and young women. Millions of people including women, men and children continue to toil in forced labour for the
In Conflicts and Disasters, Protect Children from Child Labour
Around the world 535 million children are living in countries affected by conflicts and disasters. One out of every four children is a victim of conflicts and displacement crises in countries already struggling with poverty, malnutrition, armed conflict and the impacts of natural disasters. Lake Chad Basin, South Sudan, the
The Human Right That Keeps on Giving
Op-ed by Kailash Satyarthi, Nobel Peace Laureate & Commissioner at International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity
NEW DELHI – In Côte d’Ivoire, I once met a boy working on a cocoa farm whose only dream was someday to taste the rich brown chocolate he helped produce. And in Pakistan,
Trabajo Infantil en Panamá
Unos de los problemas que presentan los niños y niñas de este país es la falta de educación, los niños y niñas a temprana edad viajan de los campos a las ciudades ya que en los campos las personas trabajan para satisfacer sus necesidades y no generan dinero.
Debido a
Estudio de caso del trabajo infantil en el trabajo doméstico en Costa Rica
DNI Costa Rica cuenta con una línea de atención a víctimas de trata, esclavitud moderna, abuso sexual y toda forma de violencia, donde se brinda atención psicosocial y legal. Llamada “Línea Mano Amiga”.
Por lo que de manera regular se reciben llamadas en donde se hacen consultas acerca derechos laborales. En
Lutte contre le Travail des Enfants au Bénin : « Recrutement et Placement des enfants »
Eduquer un enfant est un sacerdoce dont certains parents se sont désengagés. Des êtres si fragiles qui n’ont pas demandés à naitre et qui se retrouvent pris par les tourments de la vie et condamnés à survivre.
Aujourd’hui près de 178 millions d’enfants sont au travail, dont 120 millions âgés
Child Labour in Humanitarian Crisis
In today’s volatile world, more than 100 million people are in an urgent need of humanitarian assistance, of which 50 percent are children. More than 60 million people have been displaced and are facing extreme situations due to conflict, emergencies and natural disasters. Some of the major consequences of these